Thursday Tease: May 9, 2019
This week's color inspiration is PURPLE. Actually purple inspires me everyday of the week, as my favorite color to design with. The...

Thursday Tease: May 2, 2019
It's Tulip Festival time here and it is also this week's color inspiration.

Thursday Tease: April 25, 2019
Where has the time gone? It is already nearly end of April! This week's color inspiration is this photo of a gorgeous orchid. Something...

Thursday Tease: April 18, 2019
Today's color inspiration is this painting by John Ichter.

Thursday Tease: April 11, 2019
Today it's a pink and green inspiration day. This photo is of a Caladium variety named Thai Beauty.

Thursday Tease: April 4, 2019
This week's color inspiration has similar colors as the closeup dahlia that I shared a few weeks ago. This time it's a photo of Celosia...

Thursday Tease: March 28, 2019
April showers, May of flowers is arriving soon, this weekend. Time flies as we approach April, but so glad for the gardening season to...

Thursday Tease: March 21, 2019
This week's inspiration is this photo by Francesco Turano. I thought the frilly tentacles especially were inspiring for a lariat design....

Thursday Tease: March 14, 2019
An early morning roadtrip back up to north Washington for this weekend's Quilter's Anonymous show in Monroe, Wa at the Evergreen State...

Thursday Tease: March 7, 2019
This Thursday's inspiration is both colorful and shapely. This is a photo of potted succulents. I think the shape would be an interesting...